Heart stopping moments in the operating theatre – Thursday 5th December 2024

Available for University Hospitals Tees staff only

Event details

  • Date: 05 December 2024
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Address: Room 11 STRIVE JCUH / Drs Mess STRIVE FHN
  • Category: Work based learning

Booking is closed for this event


The topic of this weeks Thursday lunchtime meeting is talking about ‘Heart stopping moments in the operating theatre’ and is presented by Dr Andrew Kane.

‘When general anaesthetics were discovered and first used in humans in 1846, the potential applications were obvious- to allow operations free from pain and memory, but it was far from perfect with many patients dying due to the anaesthetic itself. Getting on for 200 years later much has improved, but many patients fear cardiac arrest and death under anaesthetic, and sadly, this does still happen.

Andrew will tell us about the work he has been doing with the Royal College of Anaesthetists to understand the causes and consequences of cardiac arrest during anaesthesia and how this may make having an anaesthetic safer in the future.’

Target Audience:

This session is available to all members of South Tees.

It will be held in Room 11 STRIVE JCUH and streamed to STRIVE FHN Drs Mess

Certification & Feedback:

Upon completion of the session a certificate will be issued to you. A link will also be sent for you to fill in our quick feedback form, please ensure you complete the feedback so we are able to continuously improve.


Any information or queries about this session please contact the Postgraduate department.

[email protected]


Cancellations are to be made through your account. For those who do not attend and have not cancelled their place, your line manager may be notified.