A training event with Teepa Snow and Positive Approach to Care.
Brief overview
When supporting those living with dementia, challenging situations inevitably arise. This training will provide learners with practical hands-on strategies and methods for interacting with individuals living with dementia. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how to approach individuals safely and consistently, and how to connect to build a relationship for care. Also, the training will provide verbal support and responses that help to reduce distress. It will also enable learners to recognise the remaining abilities of people living with dementia and will offer ways to use these abilities for improved interactions and more positive care experiences.
Learning objectives
At the end of the training, learners will be able to:
- Demonstrate hands-on skill building for immediate application in daily care or therapeutic practices
- Describe how using visual, verbal, and touch cues can increase productivity and improve challenging situations
- Describe modifications that can reduce distress, encourage acceptance of assistance, and improve outcomes for both people living with dementia and providers
- Describe common brain changes in dementia, and how they affect a person’s abilities to experience the world around them.
- Describe the value of the relationship with a person living with dementia in relation to the daily tasks
- Demonstrate and adapt Positive Physical Approach™️ to different situations
- List the steps and demonstrate Hand-under-Hand®️ guidance and support method
- Describe and demonstrate the steps of how to support someone instead of doing things for them or doing things to them, to allow the person living with dementia to maintain their own skills
- A one-day event delivered by Teepa Snow and Positive Approach to care
Who is Teepa Snow?
Teepa’s life mission is to shed a positive light on dementia. Teepa Snow, a dementia care specialist, and the Positive Approach to Care (PAC) Team share their knowledge of dementia so that everyone can understand why changes are happening and how you can support those living with brain change in a more positive and respectful way.
Target audience
All clinical staff and carers involved dementia.