Management Essentials: Corporate Risk Management

Available for University Hospitals Tees staff only

Event details

  • Date: 31 July 2025
  • Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Address: Room 25 STRIVE, The James Cook University Hospital Marton Road Middlesbrough TS4 3BW
  • Category: Management essentials

15 places remaining | Free event

Course Overview:

In any organisation, understanding and controlling risk is one of the most important challenges. 

Risk registers should drive the management process, their content informing decision-making as well as providing assurance that threats to objectives have been identified and are being controlled.

Facilitated such that it is highly participative, with considerable interaction between delegates, this training is designed to assist organisations in the formulation of effective risk registers.

Learning Objectives:

The function of risk management, including reference to the organisation’s existing policies and focusing upon the relationship between risk management and the achievement of objectives. This includes a review of the fundamental risk management process, covering:

  • Risk identification.
  • Role of risk owners.
  • Identification of risks.
  • Risk rating.
  • Application of risk tolerance.
  • Developing risk controls and action.
  • The effectiveness of risk controls.
  • Maintaining vigilance for new/revised threats.

You will

  • Looking at a typical organisation, its management, and its objectives at corporate and operational levels, for which the training group will.
  • Identify risks to stated objectives.
  • Describe risks in a clear, unambiguous manner.
  • Establish the most appropriate risk owners.
  • Assess the risks in terms of their probability and impact.
  • Decide the type of controls that may be enacted.
  • Consider the way in which the effectiveness of the controls might be measured, and the actions, including the net/residual risk.
  • An examination of means by which required practices regarding use of risk registers can be embedded within day-to-day management activities.

Target audience:

The training is ideal for all staff as they need to understand and make practical use of risk registers. This includes directors, heads of service, departmental managers, and front-line supervisors, as well as those in specialist disciplines clinical, governance, compliance, risk management and audit/assurance.