Mental Capacity Act & DoLS Training – Thursday 22nd December 2022

Available for University Hospitals Tees staff only

Event details

  • Date: 22 December 2022
  • Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Address: Online via microsoft teams
  • Category: Patient safety

Booking is closed for this event

Brief overview:

This one hour session online via microsoft teams will offer an overview of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. It is designed to improve understanding of the legal framework around capacity, and best interest decisions, and is aimed at staff at all levels that may be involved in the care of patients where capacity is questioned.

Target audience:

All clinical staff at all levels.


Events department:

[email protected]


All cancellations need to be made through your account.  For those who do not attend without cancellation, your line manager will be notified and a possible charge may be incurred.  All paid events have a strict cancellations policy.

Certificates and feedback:

Upon completion of this course a certificate will be available for you to download from your account along with any other post course information.  Please ensure you complete your feedback so we are able to continuously improve our training.