Writing Funding Applications – 12th June 2024

Available for University Hospitals Tees staff only

Event details

  • Date: 12 June 2024
  • Time: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
  • Address: Virtual via MS Teams also available in the Pride Room Rodney Cove-Smith library STRIVE James Cook University Hospital
  • Category: Postgraduate education

Booking is closed for this event

This 2½ hour workshop which will support participants to:
•       Understand the key principles of writing applications for funding
•       Develop a structured approach to project planning using a Theory of
Change (ToC) model
•       Practise the ‘writing cycle’ – Think: Plan: Write: Edit – with a draft
funding application for the Tesco ‘Stronger Start’ Community Grant.
•       Reflect on key elements of content, structure and style
•       Consider the practicalities and ‘nuts & bolts’ of writing funding

This workshop is designed for participants who are either currently
engaged in, or committed to, writing funding applications, specifically
with a view to applying for small grants.

Through writing exercises and discussion based on real funders and
application processes, participants will explore how to interpret
funding criteria; clarify their aims, objectives and outcomes; and
develop a structured ToC approach to project planning. They will also
have an opportunity to draft a funding application using the skills they
have learned.